SIS 14 Leveraging maritime ITS by navigating barriers and opportunities of autonomous ships

SIS 14 Leveraging maritime ITS by navigating barriers and opportunities of autonomous ships

Monday, September 16, 2024 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Asia/Dubai)
Abu Dhabi A
Technical Programme
Automated Mobility


Session Organiser: Ørnulf Jan Rødseth, ITS Norway, Norway

We explore the future of intelligent transport systems, focusing on barriers, opportunities, and the transformative path towards autonomous ship transport of cargo and passengers. We will delve into the regulatory landscape, business implications, cutting-edge technology, and the broader implications for the transportation ecosystem, including ports and terminals. How can autonomous ships redefine maritime operations and ripple through the transportation landscape?

  1. Improved intermodal connectivity: How can the gap between automated shipping and other modes of transportation be bridged? Explore the synergies and intermodal connectivity that can be achieved through the seamless integration of autonomous ships into the broader transportation network.
  2. Sustainable developments: Explore a crucial aspect of autonomous shipping: Sustainable development. How autonomous ships can contribute to sustainable practices, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance overall environmental stewardship.
  3. Business Horizons: Explore the business landscape of autonomous shipping. We will uncover the economic opportunities, cost efficiencies, and market disruptions that autonomous vessels bring.
  4. Technological Frontiers: From international maritime standards to local regulations, gain insights into the challenges and developments shaping the regulatory framework. Discover how collaboration between industry and policymakers can steer the course for safe and efficient autonomous maritime operations.
  5. Regulatory perspectives