
ITS Technology and Service Providers


At ITS World Congress Citilog will present AI powered Video based Automatic Incident Detection Solutions for tunnels, bridges and highways.

Citilog’s Automatic Incident Detection (AID) powerful solution accurately detects traffic incidents within seconds, providing 24/7 monitoring of the most vulnerable roadway infrastructure. The system efficiently notifies the operator of every event that could affect the road operability or safety.

Thanks to the use of Deep Learning technology, the solution is designed to identify these events without being fooled by potential false alarms. Our video analytics algorithms are trained to identify vehicles and remain unaffected by shadows, reflected light, or moving vegetation. It allows the operator to focus on real incidents while keeping a high level of confidence in the system.

Read more here.


Citilog is the leading supplier of video based Automatic Incident Detection Solutions for tunnels, bridges and highways. With over 60.000 cameras installed all over the world in over 70+ countries, our expertise, technology and customer service are second to none Our State-of-the-art technology with AI & Deep Learning with algorithms based on hundreds of thousands of hours of training.

Booth: H6-A4


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ITS Technology and Service Providers


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